We’re really pleased to announce that as a continuation of our partnership with the Haller Foundation, we will be supplying 12 NowLights funded by customer donations, in support of the re-launch of their Haller Farmers App.
Haller have also partnered with Mara Phones – the first high specification affordable smartphone manufactured in Africa – to support the rural smallholders they work with, who are part of a wider 5 million smallholders in Kenya.
We’re really excited to be building on our existing relationship with The Haller Foundation, where we supplied Gravity Lights in early 2019. Developing these relationships to get NowLights into the hands of people who need them the most is incredibly positive, and we’re really thankful to our customers who have donated towards this cause.
NowLight was chosen for its ability to provide instant light and power at the pull of a cord. Pulling on the NowLight’s cord for just a minute creates 15 minutes of talk-time on a mobile phone, or up to 2 hours of light. This can be incredibly important in an emergency, or even just after a busy day for a farmer in the field.
The 12 NowLights will be donated to Haller Foundation’s ambassadors, who are farmers that are promoting the Haller Farmers App to other farmers. We’ll be looking to continue this relationship with donations of further NowLights to aid the growth of the impactful work Haller Foundation are supporting in many rural Kenyan communities.

We’re really excited to see this partnership continue to grow, and are always really proud whenever a NowLight is in the hands of someone without access to reliable light and power otherwise.
You can read more about what the Haller Foundation have planned in their recent blog.

Source: Haller Foundation